1217} sleepy
By Farahana Nur - Wednesday, February 01, 2017
I'm on a break (from becoming a muslim daie? Since when…) for chinese new year and I drove home with my sister and uncle for 8 hours. I've been home for two days and I've literally done nothing. I haven't checked my phone since and never gone out. Like usual. How many times have I wished that things would change but fail so miserably again and again.
I'm feeling like writing tonight before I go back tomorrow and return to my busy schedule. Wait, I've always felt like I wanted to write, I just didn't really have time to. I was so caught up in life these past few months, I've been taking time to review and reflect, usually in my drive alone to a place to run errands, but never got the time to write it all down. So for my first post in 2017, I've decided to braindump.
I've stumbled upon my previous posts where I noticed that I was able to express myself quite well. And most of the things that affected my mood or how I felt was my study. This year, I'm gonna have to change that. I've failed 8 subjects and still have to take two electives. For the next two years, it's gonna be one hell of a ride but there are some changes in my mind that I would like to do to make sure I pass on with sakeenah (ketenangan).
My promise;
- attend all classes
- submit assignments on time
- make notes/review each week, or 10 mins before/after classes
- make more friends
- talk more and be happier
- always always listen to akh A.T.'s words of motivation regarding studying to feel better
The remaining month of my summer break is most likely gonna be filled with as much adventure as I can fit before I diligently work for at least pass in my units. My adventure plans include;
- visit Johor + have usrah with 3/8 of TK
- visit Kelantan + have usrah with 2/8 of TK
- start studying/prep for my upcoming semester
This year, again, juggling classes in Monash + medan dakwi in Palam + living in Shah Alam, it's gonna be a tough one. It's gonna get tougher if I don't have enough preparation. Traveling to those cities mentioned above, I hope it'd give me some sort of a new view that can expand my horizon, see things from a better perspective, and hopefully change my attitude to the better. I wanna get better in handling things and I wanna be happier as well. To put my soul in what I do. To not just exist, but live.
Redha dengan tujuan hidup yang Allah dah taklifkan. Wasn't it my own promise, dulu-dulu? :)